June 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to June

I won’t lie, the month ahead is a heady mix of fire and passion with serious and weighty undertones around relationships, deals and finances.

There’s a number of planets in focus this month.

At the start of the month Venus changes signs and enters proud, creative and showy Leo on June 5. Venus is associated with love, relationships, money, self-worth, beauty and creativity. In Leo these topics ordinarily get a vibrant boost. However, throughout June Venus is preparing for her upcoming retrograde in Leo from 23 July to 4 September. And this involves some really challenging meetings with Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus which will bring about issues associated with power, justice and unexpected change in our lives.

From a business perspective, topics of company value, human resources, client relationships and contracts/deals will be in play. So, make note of “hot topics” for you in the coming weeks, as they are likely to be themes you’ll be working with when Venus’ retrogrades from late July to September. You’ll be particularly impacted if you have planets in Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus or Libra.

On June 11 Mercury enters Gemini, a sign that he rules and is very much at home in. You can use this period to network, enhance your social media presence, research and teach. Leverage June 11 to June 16 to strategically align with like-minded professionals you can build a long-term relationship with. You’re losing your tolerance to work with those whose values, ethics and vision for the future differs to yours. Then be mindful that energy levels may drop and the mood becomes a little heavier from June 19 – 26. It’s going to be really important to focus on what you can control versus stressing about what you can’t. If you focus purely on the material world, you’re more vulnerable to a sense of despair. This will be felt most strongly by Geminis, Virgos and Pisceans.

Also on June 11, Pluto, the powerbroker of the solar system, returns to Capricorn until 21 January 2024. For the rest of the year, we will continue to see a breaking down of patriarchal systems in society and a bringing to light of any underhanded control from big business, institutions and government. In our personal and professional lives, the invitation is to connect with our personal power and believe in our unique ability to be creators.

On the 18th June, Saturn commences his retrograde until early November which supports us all to think about our long-term strategic plans. But this is particularly relevant for those of you with planets in Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius.

The first lunation of the month is the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 which will highlight information coming to light that has people divided in their opinion. The second is the New Moon in Gemini which is a great time to set marketing, research and education goals.

To find out what’s in store for you click on your sign below.

And if you’d like me to show you how I work with clients 1:1 to transform their careers by fully embracing their unique astrological profile, click on this link to apply for a transformational consult =>https://bit.ly/3RX972P

Wishing you an amazing month bringing your hopes and dreams to life.

With love and inspiration,



Welcome to June 2023 Aries.

Good news is on its way for you over the coming year… but there’s a catch. Your wealth sector is getting a boost over the coming 12 months now that Jupiter has settled into your financial zone. BUT the catch is you’ll have to wait until mid-September when Jupiter is no longer in harsh aspect with Venus to experience the full expansion that’s available. Until then, you’re being invited to direct your energies into creative endeavours.

On the 5th June, Venus, the planet of relationships, love, finances and personal values moves into Leo where she’ll stay through until October 9 due to her retrograde in this sign from July 23 to September 4. This will provide you with an extended period to assess where and how you want to direct your creative talents at work and for personal pleasure. It’s of particular relevance to you now as your place of work, how you work and what you do for work is on a change trajectory. So it’s time to lean into what is FUN for you (including romance 🙂 ). And make sure you’re combining work and enjoyment. You may even decide to take a break from it all with a holiday or enrol in a course that lights you up and has nothing to do with work. This will do you SO MUCH GOOD as it inspires you to consider what you really do want to create in the world.

On 11th June Pluto, the planet of transformation will return to your Career sector finishing off the change that he’s been working on over the last few years. He will remain there helping you release what no longer serves you and create a new pathway forward through to January 2024.

On 18th June, Saturn, the planet of structure, rules and strategy is commencing his retrograde in your 12th house of spiritual connection and retreat from the world. You may reconsider mindfulness and meditation as tools to support you moving through the changes that are taking place.

The end of the month (19th + 26th) both Mercury and the Sun make a tense connection with Neptune which may deliver news that saddens you in some way and has you needing some alone time. What’s key to keep you in good spirits is to focus on what you can control versus what you can’t.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 is likely to bring up emotions related to “the truth”. This lunation can support you to be recognised as a thought leader and mentor. There just be some tension as a result of what you believe in and what you’re reading about being at odds with each other.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is the ideal opportunity to set goals and intentions related to marketing, communication and upgrading your technology. And if you’re looking to acquire a new vehicle, go for it!



Welcome to June 2023 Taureans.

Last month, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion entered your sign which will lead to wonderful expansion by the end of the year. However, before then, some recalibration is in order. The next few months invites you to discover the most effective ways to engage your skills and talents in the world whilst maintaining relations and responsibilities at home.

On the 5th June, Venus, the planet of relationships, love, finances and personal values moves into Leo where she’ll stay through until October 9 due to her retrograde in this sign from July 23 to September 4. This will provide you with an extended period to assess your priorities on the homefront. Whether it’s tending to relationships, considering buying a property, redoing the family budget or supporting parents/in laws, you’ll feel you’re being pulled in multiple directions. One thing’s for sure, you know things have to change. And that’s what this tension will help you clarify.

On 18th June, Saturn, the planet of structure, rules and strategy is commencing his retrograde in your 11th house of groups, organisations and larger communities. Use to assess the kind of organisations and groups you want to offer your expertise to. By putting in the groundwork in the corporate arena, building relationships and creating group offerings, you’ll give your career a huge boost over the coming 3 years.

The end of the month (19th + 26th) both Mercury and the Sun make a tense connection with Neptune which may leave you feeling less vibrant and optimistic. Trust this is a short term feeling. You’ll be able to move through it if you focus on what you can control versus what’s out of your hands.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 is likely to bring up emotions related to finances – whether your investments or your partner’s. The positive side of this full moon is that its ruling planet Jupiter now residing in Taurus which is illuminating new ways for you to generate sustainable long-term financial gains.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th may create mixed emotions around finances as things aren’t quite clear. Tune into your imagination to decide what you want to create financially over the coming year. Then the key is to stay curious. It’s a power period for researching options.



Happy Birthday to you this month and belated wishes to those of you born in late May!

With your ruling planet, Mercury, now travelling at Full Speed post his retrograde in May, the pace of life and clarity of thought picks up in positive ways for you in June. And when Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, your IQ, multi-tasking capabilities and curiosity soar.

Just be mindful, that whilst you love nothing better than engaging your mind, being active in numerous projects simultaneously and racing around at a million miles an hour, Saturn is in your 10th house of Career inviting you to SLOW DOWN and get discerning about your creative endeavours. When Saturn commences his retrograde journey on June 18th you’ll have almost 5 months to put on your strategic CEO hat and review your business / career plans. This is a powerful period to ask yourself ….”What stays and what is keeping me busy but is no longer aligned to my vision?”

One of your enormous growth opportunities for the rest of the year is to develop an ability to pause and make time to tune into your intuition. With Jupiter now activating your spiritual side, new ideas and possibilities can emerge when you work with energy to create versus “pushing” for outcomes.

Early in the month on the 5th June, Venus, the planet of relationships, love, finances and personal values moves into Leo where she’ll stay through until October 9 due to her retrograde from July 23 to September 4. This will provide you with an extended period to assess your marketing, social media, website and business technology. It’s also an auspicious period for writing and teaching. If you’re looking to partner with like-minded professionals to support your professional growth, this is the time people will come into your sphere.

The end of the month (19th + 26th) both Mercury and the Sun make a tense connection with Neptune which may deplete your energy levels for work. If there are some issues causing confusion at work, trust this is a short term feeling. Avoid signing contracts around this time until after the 28th when clarity returns. In the meantime, stay curious!

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 is likely to bring up emotions related to relationships and key business partnerships. This is a time to figure out what’s most meaningful to you in a relationship. Any issues brought to light under this lunation have the capacity to be resolved by implementing sustainable changes.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set personal and professional goals. It’s your time in the sun right now. Ideal for reimaging your brand, your appearance and skills you’d like to develop over the coming year.



Welcome to June 2023 Cancerians.

Last month the spotlight was very much on your primary relationships – or more to the point, how you relate with Venus travelling through your sign. Emotions associated with relationships would have been deeply felt. This month Venus joins Mars in Leo activating your personal values, resources and finances. This area of life will be of significant focus for you with Venus there until October 9. The reason for Venus’ lengthy stay is due to her retrograde in Leo from July 23 to September 4. For clues as to which theme will be most prominent, think back to what was taking place in your life from July to September 2015. Given Venus rules partnerships and Leo governs romance – you’ll be looking at your values around these topics too!

Professionally June continues to offer a plethora of opportunities with Jupiter travelling through your organisation, association and friendship sector. From June 9 – 15, the invitation is to get discerning about which projects you want to take on. On the one hand you’ll be excited to share your talents and skills with many, but it’s time to put structures in place so that you can sustain yourself for the long-term. Take your time, there’s no rush. The key is to think about what you’re building for your future rather than instant gratification. Work smarter, not harder. From June 22 – 28 new ideas can drop in as a result of the tension that’s rising up inside of you. So listen to your intuition. Take inspired action.

The end of the month delivers gorgeous healing vibes that can help you forgive or mend fractures in relations.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights your health and wellbeing. Is your daily routine serving you? If you’re giving too much of yourself and not meeting your needs you’ll feel an emotional tug to rectify the situation.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to mindfulness goals for the year ahead. Listen to that inner voice that’s calling you to retreat a little more and connect more deeply with your powerful intuitive knowing. The more you nourish this, the more you can step into your full potential.



Welcome to June 2023 Leos.

This month is the beginning of an extensive journey into unpacking what relating, valuing self and earning potential looks like for you. From June 5 Venus moves into your sign and joins Mars which has been activating your drive and determination. Normally this is a highly creative and auspicious period that has you out and about at full throttle sharing your creative and charismatic magic with the world. However, you are entering a period that requires you to make some big adjustments. Take note of what’s in focus for you, particularly around June 10 – 12 as inner tension will be leading you to make some change. You’ve grown and now it’s time to make the appropriate changes to your brand/identity as well as the kind of work you want to do in the world.

Between June 5 and October 9, you’ll be “reviewing” who you are, what really inspires you and who you want to be in a relationship with. This is due to Venus’ retrograde through your sign. For specific insights into how this may play out for you, think back to what was happening from July to September in 2015 when Venus last retrograded through Leo.

The good news is, by the end of Venus’ journey through Leo on Oct 9, you’ll be re-energised, clear on your direction and your attraction power will be better than ever!

On the 18th, Saturn is stationing retrograde in your investment, taxes and shared resources sector. You’re being invited to take extra responsibility for these topics right now. Any shifts that happen around this date are pointing to areas you need to take more control of.

The second half of the month may bring up some confusion or uncertainty around your investments. In particular between June 17 and June 28. This is a period to focus on things you can control versus things that are out of control. If you remain fixed on the material world at large, you risk falling into helpless thinking. You have a choice. Stay focussed on what you have and hold in high value such as relationships, health, nature, music etc. They will get you through this period. There’s always an opportunity to create anew should circumstances change.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights your fun, romance and enjoyment sector. Have you been getting into life and treating it like an adventure? If not, now’s the time to recalibrate!

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set personal and professional goals around the kind of organisations and groups you want to be associated with over the coming year.



Welcome to June 2023 Virgos.

With Mercury, your ruling planet, now travelling at Full Speed post his May retrograde, the pace of life and clarity of thought picks up in positive ways for you in June. Issues that came to light during last month’s retrograde will also become clearer for you this month. On June 5, new ideas and unexpected opportunities may drop in associated with teaching/mentoring, professional development and/or international travel. And when Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, your mental focus is firmly on your career and finding ways to collaborate with like-minded people. NB: Any relationships of old that no longer seem aligned to your new more conscious way of doing business, will start to fall away.

On June 6th, Venus will move into Leo for an elongated stay (until October 9) due to her upcoming retrograde. During the period of July 23 to September 4 you’ll have an opportunity to evaluate your mindfulness and spiritual practices and may even seek out ways to retreat more regularly from the world. In doing so, new ideas around how you want to be and work in the world will emerge. Notice key topics that are in focus for you this month after June 6. More than likely these topics will be a major focus during Venus’ upcoming retrograde.

On June 18, Saturn the planet of responsibility and strategy is commencing his retrograde journey through your relationship zone. This will get you thinking about what your primary relationships need to look like both professionally and at home. Are they serving you? Are you supporting each other? Are you growing together? If not, what needs to change to allow for both of you to expand?

Between June 19 and June 26 be mindful to not take on too much at work as your energy levels are likely to drop due to both Mercury and the Sun’s challenging connection with Neptune. This also creates an air of confusion so be conscious to focus on what you can control versus what you can’t during this week.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights your homelife, property and family. If you don’t have the right balance between home and work, this lunation invites you to make any changes to restore an equilibrium.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set career + business goals for the year ahead.



Welcome to June 2023 Librans!

Hold onto your stylish hats as some significant shifts and adjustments are coming your way over the next 4 months. The reason being your ruling planet Venus is soon to embark on her retrograde in the sign of Leo. This will throw up an opportunity to revise, rethink and redo all things associated with relationships, finances, self-worth and your personal brand. And with Venus in the sign of Leo, you’ll be considering organisations and groups you want to be associated with.

Events that take place in June will provide a clue as to the main topic you’ll be focussed on from 23 July to 4 September so make note of key themes this month. They will likely continue into the months ahead.

Most of the month the Sun and Mercury are shining their inspirational light on your professional development, mentoring and international travel sector heightening the importance of these topics. However from June 19 to June 26 there may well be some confusion surrounding how you should best move forward. Equally energy levels will likely wane so pre-schedule a little extra down time during this week. Things will eventually become clear but there’ll be a period of uncertainty you’ll be navigating.

Mid-month Saturn is stationing retrograde in your health and wellbeing sector. Between now and November prioritise self-care and tend to any niggles should they arise.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights your communication sector. The desire to learn, acquire information and teach will be strong. Don’t be surprised if your beliefs are strongly tested at this time. What you thought to be true may be challenged.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set professional development, mentoring and international travel goals!



Welcome to June 2023 Scorpios.

For the next few months your career/public life is going to be under review. The reason being that Venus is travelling through this sector from June 5 to Oct 9. From July 23 to September 4 she will be retrograding, inviting you to rethink, revise and redo your professional relationships and direction. Of note on June 6 news on the homefront will have you consider your work values. Then on June 12, surprise news or an event from a partner, best friend, colleague or close business associate may shake up your view of work and what you want from it. Be mindful of what takes your attention in June as it is likely to be a key focus for you throughout the following 3 months.

Over the past 2½ years your desire to better understand yourself has been a driving force. This continues in June with Mercury and the Sun illuminating your desire to better understand the subconscious patterning that drives your behaviour. It’s a great month to book appointments with a counsellor, coach or healer to further “unpack” issues and gain clarity about how you want to live and what you want to create moving forward.

On June 18th Saturn is stationing retrograde in your “fun” sector inviting you to plan more play and good-times in your life. This is important as matters on the homefront are going to continue to transform for the rest of the year. Any changes that are taking place will ultimately lead to a richer family life experience.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights your finances and personal resources. You’ll be looking to get the balance right between what you earn and what you invest. Changes may be required to your joint asset pool and investments.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set long-term investment goals.



Welcome to June 2023 Sagittarians.

This month Jupiter, your ruling planet, settles into his year-long stay in Taurus. Over the coming year your health, wellbeing and daily routine will be given a boost. However, the first 6 months will require you to make some adjustments. Of note, your beliefs are going to be brought into question. Information and facts that you thought to be true will reveal themselves in a new light having you alter your point of view. Ultimately this will support you to improve your overall wellbeing but things will be a little disconcerting between July and September.

Throughout much of June the Sun and Mercury are positively illuminating your relationships. It’s a great month to invest time in those people you care for the most. However from June 19 to June 26 there may well be some confusion surrounding how you should best move forward in a relationship. Equally energy levels may wane so pre-schedule a little extra down time during this week. Things will eventually become clear but there’ll be a period of uncertainty you’ll be navigating.

On June 18, Saturn invites you to make some long-term commitments on the home front. What are you willing to be responsible for over the long-term in this area of your life? That invitation awaits you.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 puts you in full view. It’s your time in the light!!! However if you have been too focussed on you and your needs and neglecting your most important relationships, this lunation will be an emotional one and invite you to right the balance.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set relationship and partnership goals. From a business context this is the ideal time to plan your business development and relationship management targets.



Welcome to June 2023 Capricorns.

The month kicks off with your finances top of mind. Tensions exist between how much you value yourself and your earning capacity versus your remuneration contract; investments and/or shared assets. You may find yourself feeling undervalued by your employer or in heavy negotiations with a partner (professional or personal) around joint finances.

The good news is that this month Venus, the planet which rules finances and relationships, is moving into your shared assets sector on June 5 and will stay there through to October 9. During this timeframe you’ll have the ability to resolve current tensions by creating win:win deals. Just keep in mind that July 23 to September 4 is your powerperiod to make the adjustments you need to achieve the financial goals you’re chasing.

From mid-month you’re invited to pause and reflect on what you’ve achieved since the start of 2023. The reason being your ruling planet Saturn is commencing his lengthy annual retrograde from June 18 to Nov 4 which is the ideal time to review your strategic direction for the long-term. Communication (verbal and written) is a key theme for you over the next 2 ½ years. You can use this to make adjustments to your professional research, marketing and networking. Ways of doing business are changing rapidly, it’s time to upgrade these aspects of your professional and personal toolkit and put new solid foundations in place.

With all of the above in focus, it’s really important that you prioritise your health and wellbeing. The Sun and Mercury are illuminating this throughout June. If you’ve had any health niggles bugging you for a while, this is the month to make that doctor’s appointment and get things checked out. It’s also a great month to commit to a healthier and more mindful daily routine.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights the need for you to retreat from the world for a while. Whether to recover from recent emotional events, a period of intense work or a health scare, do what you need to recalibrate your energy levels and restore balance.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set health and wellbeing goals that you can stick to over the coming year.



Welcome to June 2023 Aquarians.

I invite you to consider what’s been going on for you since March 24 this year when Pluto ingressed into your sign. What transformational themes have you noticed in your life at either work or personally? This month Pluto leaves your sign on June 11 returning to Capricorn until January 2024 when it will re-enter Aquarius and continue to transform the same area of life it’s impacted so far in new, powerful ways!

This month relationships and matters associated with home and family will come into prominence. Again, I invite you to pay close attention to what’s showing up for you. The reason being that Venus is travelling through your relationship sector from June 5 to Oct 9. But from July 23 to September 4 she will be retrograding, inviting you to rethink, revise and redo key relationships. Of note around June 6 you may receive news that impacts how you feel about an existing relationship/s. And you’ll be delving deeper into this from June 12 when Venus connects with expansive Jupiter. Overall, it’s important to be conscious of what takes your attention in June as it is likely to be a key focus for you over the following 3 months.

On a lighter note, the Sun and Mercury are illuminating the importance of having fun!! Use this month to focus on activities that excite you and bring a sense of playfulness. There’s likely to be plenty of tension and confusion especially around money at the end of the month. But the key to work through this period is to remember the importance of living in the present moment and being appreciative of what’s in front of you right now and enjoying it!

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 spotlights groups, associations and organisations you belong to. Have you got the balance right between honouring your creative side and your need to enjoy yourself versus being part of a corporation or group? If you are spending more time doing one thing over the other, this lunation will trigger emotions that have you make adjustments to rectify the situation.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set creative and adventurous goals.



Welcome to June 2023 Pisceans.

What a year you’re having laying foundations that will support you for the long term. With Saturn, the planet of responsibility, leadership and commitment moving through your sign, it should be becoming very clear what you are now ready to build. This month Saturn commences his extended retrograde from June 18 to November 4 making June a good month to review what you’ve achieved since the start of 2023, and congratulate yourself for the steps you’ve taken. Over the coming 4 ½ months you can make adjustments to what you’ve started as you realise what’s working and what’s not quite right yet.

With Venus moving into your health and wellness sector this month and having an extended stay due to her retrograde in Leo, it’s really important you take very good care of your health. Be consistent with your daily exercise and choose healthy food options to support you. Your work is going to be in increased demand as the year goes by so you’ll need to prioritise self-care and put good boundaries in place with regards to your time. You love nothing more than helping others but your sensitive nature makes you a little more susceptible to negative energy which can lower your immune system, particularly during the winter months.

Throughout June the Sun and Mercury are illuminating your home and family life. Focus on their needs and enjoy some lovely time together. At the end of the month there may be some confusion or mixed messages from family members around June 19 – 26. The impact of a situation may be hard to understand at this time, but things will become clearer by the end of the month.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 puts your career in full view. Emotions may rise up in you as you experience tension trying to balance your home life with your career. This is a powerful time to let go of old habits that have hindered you from attaining career success.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 18th is your annual opportunity to set home and family goals for the coming 12 months.

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