Are you looking for some guidance about how you are being called to transform in 2020? This year the Planets and Stars have aligned to fully awaken humanity’s feminine power, breakdown outdated patriarchal systems and review our global and personal values in order to create a new world. Transformational, Yes….. Comfortable, No.
In this session, you’ll learn about your opportunity for profound personal and professional growth amidst the deep changes of 2020. You’ll also discover how you are being called to “ramp up” for what’s to come in 2021 when a new 240 year cycle begins for us all. Using Psychological Astrology as a tool for self-reflection, together we’ll explore which of your Innate Abilities are being activated right now and how you can deepen your connection to your Authentic Purpose. All readings require Birthday, Time (as close to the minute as possible) and Location prior to the session