Welcome to March 2024!
Can you believe it’s March already? Back in January I recommended using the “slower paced” month to declutter, strategise and plan to support your year ahead goals. And over the next few months you’ll realise why. March opens the door to an intense period of charged change with plenty of unexpected shifts and turns requiring us to flex and adapt to maintain steady ground.
Here’s what’s going on.
Firstly, throughout the month of March a total of 7 out of 10 planets will travel through Pisces, emphasising the mutable water qualities of this sign all month. The essence of Pisces expands our imagination, heightens our levels of compassion and adds depth to our creative well. It also evokes extra sensitivity. If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice your intuitive knowing and spiritual connection amping up too. This is a month to ground yourself with regular mediation, journaling, connecting with music and delving into the arts. In doing so, you’ll keep any anxiety or fear at bay and empower your professional decision making with new ideas and solutions you’d not considered before.
Earlyish in the month on the 10th March is the Pisces New Moon. This is the ideal time to tune into your dreams and imagination. You may find yourself struggling to be get things done with part of you yearning to escape reality and the other part of you wanting to be practical. If you feel restless, use this to experiment with new ways to plan by embracing your creative side.
The second lunation for the month is the partial lunar eclipse which occurs during the Full Moon in Libra of 25thMarch. This is the first of 2 eclipses, the second taking place in early April, 2024.
Eclipses happen in pairs or threes and take place every 6 months. They have long been considered karmic points in time where truths are revealed and change takes place – either voluntarily or to us. The reason being their association with the moon’s nodal axis. In astrological interpretation, the nodes are connected to the collective’s letting go of old, outdated ways of being and moving towards a more purposeful future.
With the first partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra, relationships and partnerships, both professional and personal, will be put under the spotlight. The lunation is taking place next to the South Node which will highlight what’s no longer working in your primary relationships. It’s a time to reflect on what ways of being you’re ready to release in order to find a new way to connect with others. Any partnerships that are no longer aligned to your future will be put to the test and over the next 6 months you’ll be reviewing the best way to move forward for both of you.
Adding extra intensity and extra confusion to an already emotional month is Mercury’s entry into Aries. Mercury rules our minds, communication and short travel. In the sign of Aries, our thinking and expression becomes more direct and achievement is strongly desired. There’s a sense of urgency to get things done and get them done now. However, on March 19 Mercury meets up with the North Node and enters his retrograde shadow (the place in the sky he travels back to in April during his retrograde). This is the start of a period of confusion, delays and miscommunication. However, during this time, Mercury’s association with the North Node which can help you meet new people and deliver opportunities to be independent and move in a new direction which is more authentic and meaningful for you.
And so, this month I highly recommend you use the first couple of weeks of March to activate your imagination, creativity and trust your intuition. Then, during the second half of the month allow plenty of space to complete tasks knowing that miscommunication, unexpected shifts and delays are highly likely. Use regular meditation, breathwork, music and nature to keep you solid and connected to how amazing you truly are.
And if you’re ready to step into conscious leadership aligning your work with your purpose, then let’s talk. You can book a Conscious Leaders consult here =>https://bit.ly/46x66hJ
Wishing you an amazing month bringing your hopes and dreams to life!
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