Welcome to October
Before diving into the Stars for the month ahead, I invite you to firstly pause and reflect on what has unfolded for you since January 2021. Where have you felt hemmed in and restricted, and where have you made huge breakthroughs and great changes in your life? The two planets associated with this energetic dance in your life are Saturn and Uranus and at the end of October they are going to meet up for the 4th and final time. The timings of their earlier meetings were Feb 8, 2021; June 15, 2021 and Dec 30, 2021 so think back to what was happening for you during those times to get an idea of hot topics for you this month.
October highlights the importance of relationships and achieving balance and harmony in life. It’s typically a social month with an inner desire to connect with others, acquire new perspectives and establish win:win outcomes.
The month kicks off with an end to Mercury retrograde on October 2 so you can get back to signing those important documents and acquiring tech equipment or a new vehicle. Ideally, wait until Oct 17 when Mercury leaves his shadow (the place where he commenced his retrograde journey) to make high-value purchases and sign contracts that you want to stand the test of time.
Tension will build for much of the month for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, mid-month Mars in Gemini starts to slow down ahead of his 10 week retrograde journey which starts on October 31. With Mars in Gemini, your desire to dive into multiple projects is strong. This is exceptionally good for writing and researching facts but given Mars is in a tight square with Neptune on October 12 and Jupiter from October 28, scattered attention and confusion may hijack your ability to deliver as planned. Emotions can run high and dampen your ability to think logically and rationally. Ideally set yourself up for success by minimising your load and having clear priorities in place for yourself and your team. Deal with any loss of vitality by allowing plenty of down-time to eat well, exercise and recuperate.
Secondly, October heralds the start of the year’s second eclipse season. Definitely “expect the unexpected” and trust that whatever unfolds is creating change to align you with your purpose.
To read more about how these energies will impact you, head to your Sun Sign.
Wishing you an extraordinary month ahead of being uniquely you and leading with integrity to make a difference in the world.
With much love

Last month you were likely doing some serious reviewing of “self”. Who am I in the world? What am I here to create? And what needs to change so that I can regain my vitality. These themes will continue into October however you probably feel as though there’s not a lot of spare time available to pause and properly contemplate what’s best for you. Keep a journal handy to write down any ideas that drop in so you have them as a reference when you finally get some “me” time.
This month Mars, your ruling planet, continues to keep you extremely busy and if you’re not careful has the potential to seriously deplete your energy levels. With Mars in Gemini, you likely have numerous projects on the go and unless you have clear priorities and boundaries you’ll wear yourself out by month end. So continue to be really discerning about what you say YES to. October is yet another great month for building your profile and business brand via social media and networking. Make the most of this and where possible outsource to alleviate the pull of your time.
October is also a great month for creative writing and public speaking – if you have been considering getting a book or blog started or writing that Ted Talk – the energy is very supportive for doing so in the first half of the month. At the same time, relationships are highlighted for you. You are seeking balance and equality this month – learn to ask for more help if you feel as though you are taking the lion’s share of the domestic or professional load.
The Full Moon on October 10 in your sign highlights your need for independence in relationships. If you have been grappling to get the freedom you seek in an important relationship (personal or professional) now is the time to act. Communicate the facts as you know them to be to help others understand your perspective. And use inquiry to seek to understand what is going on for others.
The New Moon on October 25 falls in your “shared resources” and investments sector. This will highlight any issues with work contracts that no longer meet your needs. It’s also a valuable time to take a look at your assets – is your money working for you as well as it could be?

The themes of freedom vs control that I referred to in my general overview of October are particularly pertinent to you. Unexpected shifts and changes have become a mainstay for you since the beginning of 2001 and the next couple of months will bring some more unforeseen happenings. Given how hard change is for you, trust that all of this restructuring is leading you to a better version of yourself!!
October brings some new forward movement to both your studies, travel and your career. If you have been adding to your skills over the past couple of years through courses and mentorships, this month will help you complete studies when Pluto stations direct on October 9. And when Saturn ends his retrograde on October 23, you can step into the new version of a leader you have become with confidence and wisdom that you’ve earned through hard work and commitment. The world is ready for what you have to offer. In fact, the world needs you more than ever!
All month is a great time to look at your health and well-being. Balance is the operative word for you – get the right balance between fun and effort in your daily schedule to optimise your output. All work and no fun is simply no good for anyone!!
The Full Moon on October 10 has you considering how you can best be of “service” for others. Your levels of compassion will extra high. Likely you’ll be seeking freedom from your daily responsibilities so you can help others in need.
The New Moon Eclipse on October 25 puts relationships under the spotlight. If single, this is a great time to ask for that ideal partner to come your way but it does require you to do some letting go of past hurts first. If you are married, this can be an emotional time of recognising what’s been working and what hasn’t. It’s time to let go of old stories and build a new stronger alliance between the two of you with a depth that will carry you through. The same goes for professional partnerships….. this is a wonderful window for strengthening relations based on truth and being emotionally available to each other.

The pace of life continues to race for you with plenty of activities and opportunities to take advantage of in October. With Mercury retrograde ending on October 2, you can expect to return to your usual quick-witted and effective multi-tasking ways! Put any travel, communication or technical issues that occurred during the retrograde behind you. Just be aware that with Mars slowing down in your sign mid-month ahead of his retrograde, you may well experience a drop in energy levels. So it’s best to maximise the start of October to get good movement on projects with year-end deadlines.
With the Sun travelling through your fun sector, enjoy getting out and socialising this month. You love connecting with others in ways that allow you to catch up on all the news and gossip. So be sure to fill up that calendar and enjoy the freedom of being allowed to go for it!!
When Saturn and Uranus make their 4th and final connection with one another at the end of the month and into November there is opportunity for you to take your spiritual work to the next level. Fnding ways to quieten your mind and receive intuitive downloads to support your work and life are one of the greatest opportunities available for you at the end of 2022.
October’s Full Moon in Aries on October 10 spotlights organisations you work for and groups that you belong to. There’s opportunity to get the right balance between creating your own original work and sharing that amongst colleagues and friends.
The New Moon Eclipse on October 25 falls in your health and wellbeing sector. Eclipses can bring to light issues that have been hidden from your view. Therefore, if you have any physical niggles or a gut feel that things aren’t right with your body, definitely head to the doctor for a check up. This powerful lunation may also reveal opportunities for growth in the workplace as a result of issues coming to light. Trust that whatever shows up is offering new pathways forward to better align with your purpose.

What a year you’ve been having Cancerians. There’s been huge opportunities for professional growth and expansion. With Jupiter now travelling retrograde through your career sector, you’re in the midst of contemplating how you want to position yourself moving forward. A great question to ask yourself is “How can I continue to positively impact my clients in a much more time-efficient way? There is only one of you and so many people out there who can benefit from the work you do. It’s time to figure out an option that “buys” you more quality time with those you love – including yourself.
When Saturn and Uranus meet up for the 4th and final time end October / early November, ideas on how to create more freedom in the way that you work are likely to drop in. Seek connection with other like-minded people who are also here to make a difference in the world.
At the end of the month, Jupiter returns to your international travel and professional development sector where it will be until the end of 2022. Use this period to expand your mindset either through extra studies or travel to a foreign land to bring in fresh perspectives.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 10 will highlight the importance of finding the right balance between your personal and professional lives. On the one hand you yearn for independence at work but on the other you need to be “seen” in relationship. Use communication as your tool to connect more deeply with your partner. In seeking to understand the needs of others you can establish a greater sense of harmony.
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 lands in your house of “joy” and romance. Expect strong emotions in this department. Anything or anyone which drags you down energetically you’ll be prepared to “let go of”. This eclipse will help you go deeper and talk openly about your feelings with those you care about most. In doing so, relationship commitment can go to the next level by being vulnerable and honest.

Hold onto your hats Leo, especially those of you born between August 10 – 14. The 4th and final meet up between Uranus and Saturn is pushing you well and truly out of your comfort zone! Since the start of 2021, you have been simultaneously yearning for the freedom to live and work in new ways whilst feeling restricted by rules of others as well as dealing with your own perceived ways of how things should be. But as you’ve discovered, things can’t really change if you don’t change!! So, as we move towards the end of 2022, expect the unexpected. Aha’s and new opportunities at work and in relationships await. The key is not to get too caught up in negative thinking or worry as the world changes around you.
The month of October is a wonderful time for creative writing, networking and ramping up your social media. Talk with others about what excites and inspires you. Your power of positivity and optimism has the opportunity to positively influence many this month.
The Full Moon in Aries on Oct 10 is the ideal time to book that international holiday or sign up for the professional development course you’ve been percolating on. You’re ready to broaden your horizons and meet new people. A sense of independence is strong in you at this time.
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 is the ideal time to set goals related to your home and family. But be aware, things may come to light on the domestic front that you didn’t see coming. Emotions are likely to run high during this eclipse and matters of personal security will be strong in you.

When Mercury completes his retrograde journey on October 2, you’ll get your mojo back. Likely last month you found yourself struggling to juggle numerous balls in the air and at times found it impossible to catch them all. The good news is, it gave you opportunity to make adjustments to your professional brand and review your income streams. Knowing your worth and being able to receive appropriately for that is critical to your sense of being truly valued for what you do. And that’s what this Mercury retrograde has helped you understand.
When Uranus and Saturn make their 4th and final connection end October/early November, it’s likely you’ll get some great ideas on your ideal next travel adventure or professional development investment. You’re ready to shake up your thinking. You know it’s time to do things differently. The world is changing and you want to be part of helping reshape how people operate in it in the future.
When Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces, you’ll be reviewing your primary relationships. You’ll be considering what you need and what it takes to create a partnership where you are both growing.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 10 puts your assets and shared investments under the spotlight. Knowing your worth and value is key. Are you being remunerated appropriately for what you deliver? If not, you’ll be ready to find ways to bring this into balance.
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 a powerful time for you to set intentions to be “seen” through your writing and/or on social media. You could well be discovered for hidden talents so find ways to get out from any bushel you’ve potentially been hiding behind.

Happy Birthday Librans and belated celebrations to those of you born late September. The month of October brings you opportunity to do what you do best…. Engage in meaningful and intellectual conversation and deepen connection with friends and work colleagues. Your charm and natural curiosity to understand the world from other people’s perspective and share your points of view in relationships ramps up as Venus moves through your sign from Sept 30 to Oct 24. And when Mercury returns to Libra after his 3 week retrograde last month you’ll have a clearer idea of adjustments required to achieve more peace and flow in your life.
The 4th and final meet up of Uranus and Saturn end October/early November will bring some inner tension as you become more aware of subconscious patterns of behaviour that have been holding you back from enjoying life to the full! The good news is, circumstances are likely to jolt you to realise what you need to do to create change. If for example work has been robbing you of joy, this month changes could well have you adjust things to allow more freedom.
Your hunger to learn and satiate your International travel bug continues to be a major drive for you for the rest of the year. Just a small reminder not to spread yourself too thin by overcommitting in these areas as temptation will be strong!
The Full Moon in Aries on October 10 highlights relationships – how do you find the right balance between meeting your needs and those of people around you?
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 brings opportunity for you to reset your financial goals. Money can be a hot and somewhat unpredictable topic causing emotions to run high. The good news is there are new and innovative opportunities coming your way to help you realise your monetary dreams.

Themes of change and huge personal growth continue for you this month as we enter Eclipse Season. The invitation over the coming 2 months is to realise what you are well and truly ready to let go of in order to morph into the new upgraded version of yourself. Yes emotional currents will be strong – but you are discovering new depths to yourself that you can bring to the world.
Family and relationships themes that caused tension for you in 2021 will be once again up for review end October/early November. Continue to commit to doing “inner work” with counsellors/healers/coaches to help you connect with the truth of who you are so you can realise your full potential. October and November will offer you some space to do much needed soul searching.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 10 puts your health and wellbeing are under the spotlight. Things can come to light that you hadn’t otherwise seen. Be mindful of committing to a daily routine which sustains your desire to perform at work and play with friends and family!
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 is the ideal time to make goals for what you want to achieve in the year ahead. This is such a powerful thing to do during your Birthday season.

Welcome to October!!! This month the Sun is taking a trip through your social sector bringing lots of opportunity, energy and charm to connect with your friends and professional network. So enjoy and have fun with that!!
Themes that were playing out for you in 2021 related to your health and wellbeing and your ability to communicate with friends and family as well as be involved in your local neighbourhood are once again coming up to be addressed end October/early November when Saturn and Uranus make their final connection. The good news you’ll be able to find a way to resolve any tension in these areas by year end.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 10 will spotlight the importance of having fun and could even shine a light on romance. Your need for independence and adventure are emotional triggers for you during this lunation.
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 is likely to help you bring aspects of yourself that you keep hidden from others out into full view. There is a depth to you that until now, you’ve reserved for very few. This emotionally intense lunation will quite possibly drive you to reveal your depth of compassion and ability to stay calm in the eye of a storm so you can help others around you.

During October the Sun is literally shining on your Career Sector. Your endurance and strong work ethic are likely to pay dividends this month. Make the most of opportunities that come your way to establish new partnerships. Your ability to charm and inspire others as a leader is at a year-long high,
As we build towards the 4th and final square between Uranus and Saturn, themes related to money and having fun are hot topics for you that you’ve been dealing with since the start of 2021. Tensions are likely high in these two areas of your life but by the end of the year, you’ll have resolved matters and will be able to find new ways to get creative and love life!
The Full Moon in Aries on October 10 will emphasise the need for you to achieve more balance between your home life and your professional life. Your need for even more independence is strong at this time.
The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 is an emotionally triggering time. For much of 2022, you have been slowly letting go of old communities and re-establishing your circle of friends. This lunation gives you the opportunity to find new connections with people on your wavelength both at work and in your personal life.

So much has been changing in your life. The end of this month and early November will bring to a head big life changes you’ve been wrestling with since the start of 2021. You’ve had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to step up in the world and take responsibility for what you want to create. Your innate interest in humanitarian issues and desire for freedom are intensified this month. Exciting new sustainable ideas related to home, family and property are also available. The biggest challenge is working through your personal need for freedom and growing desire to belong.
With the Sun., Venus and Mercury moving together through your professional development and international travel sector, this is a great month to sign up for that course or book an international holiday. You’re hungry for knowledge and to make sense of the world.
The Full Moon on Oct 10 in Aries emphasises the importance of where you place your mind’s attention. It can be all too easy to get caught up on the news and daily tasks which cause you stress. The opportunity under this lunation is to ensure you have practices which keep you grounded. Choose uplifting content and use mindfulness practices to help you still the mind, stay in the present and experience feelings of love and joy. After all, that’s the point of life!!
The Scorpio New Moon Eclipse on October 25 is your annual opportunity to set career goals for the coming year. Given it’s an eclipse, information may unexpectedly come to light to help you see things more clearly. Whether it’s an unexpected promotion or a change in directions all together, you are being called to let go of what’s not working and embrace the new evolved version of you.

This month the Sun, Venus and Mercury are lighting up your investment sector. It is the ideal time to review your finances and make sure that your money is working for you. Book in that appointment with your financial advisor and/or accountant. You’ll be grateful you did by the end of the month.
Whilst you’re yearning to get out into the world and get things going, many of you may have been distracted by projects needing your attention at home. As exciting as renovations and developments can be, be careful not to overload yourself. Alternatively, your family may need more of your attention from now until the end of the year. Be conscious of also making space for you to continue creating.
The Full Moon on Oct 10 in Aries brings into full view the importance of taking responsibility for your finances. If you’ve handed over financial responsibility to a partner or 3rd party, this lunation reminds you that you need to have full view of decisions that are made and ensure that the investments match what you value most.
The Scorpio New Moon Eclipse on October 25 is your annual opportunity to book that international holiday or sign up for professional development. Unexpected developments in either of these areas are highly likely!!
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