Start Your Journey to Find a Career with Purpose and Meaning. Work with Josephine to Uncover Your Soul’s Blueprint and Reveal Your Internal Compass to Success.

Transition out of paralysis, self-doubt and worry into an invigorating Career aligned with your Highest Good in this comprehensive 8 Session Personalised Program.“Worries can paralyse your action. Focus on the present and do what you can with the resources you have available.” This energetically potent Platinum Career Transition Program is packed full of tools and executive coaching to remove the stress from your next career move. Figuring out what your next step should be and how to do it can be stifling, especially when it was not your choice to leave your last role!! Even if you have a history of career success, knowing how to go about it can be a mystery.

Is the Purposeful Career Pivoting Program for You?

This program pulls no punches. Over 8 sessions it takes the best of Executive Career Coaching Psychometric Tools and blends it with Ancient Wisdom. Together in this unique process they ILLUMINATE your Destined Career Potential, prepare you for OPPORTUNITIES and get you ACTIVE in researching, applying for and negotiating roles which will have you THRIVING.

This is for you if:

  • You believe you’re here to do important work – you just haven’t figured out what that is for you yet
  • You’re in the wrong role/career and ready for a change that embraces your Authentic Purpose but stressed just thinking about where to start
  • You’re between roles and need tools and personalised support to ensure you make the best next career move
  • You’re yearning to harness your intuition and connect with your Strengths, Needs, Interests, Values and Purpose so you can thrive in the career you’re destined for
  • You’re struggling with the practical aspects of marketing yourself into the ideal role/career – CV, Interview skills, Personal Brand, Networking and Negotiating the role
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Uncover the Career You Were Built to Live.