September 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to September

Spring is in the Air and the Stars reflect welcome change and expansion after a couple of months of doing some major “inner work”. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the time of year, where you know that Summer is around the corner and it’s time to detox, declutter and re-organise so you are full of vitality and able to expand and finish the year strong.

The start of the month brings 3 very important shifts.

Firstly, Venus completes her 40 day retrograde through Leo on September 4th. This ends a lengthy period of inner reflection about how we show up authentically in our lives both professionally and personally. The desire to honour our creative needs has been in sharp focus. And given the retrograde has been in the sign of the Lioness, there’s been a healthy dose of courage thrown in to take the bold steps to make the change that our heart knows it’s time to make. Those of you with planets in Leo, Libra and Taurus will welcome this shift with open arms!

The day after, on September 5th, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, good luck and expansion is stationing retrograde. This marks the beginning of a period of reviewing beliefs, considering professional development options and contemplating your spiritual priorities. This will be especially significant for those of you with planets in Sagittarius, Taurus and Pisces through until January 2024.

Also in retrograde as the month begins is Mercury emphasising September’s power to revise, rethink and redo. Given Mercury is in rulership in Virgo, this retrograde enhances our ability to focus on minor details, diagnose problems and communicate effectively. On September 6, Mercury meets up with the Sun and soon after makes a supportive connection with expansive Jupiter which helps bring the Mercury retrograde issues to resolution. When Mercury stations direct on Sept 16 your mind will be sharp and you can get back to operating efficiently.

Throughout September, Mars, the planet which represents your drive and energy levels is transiting through Libra highlighting the importance of right relations. The desire to get out and socialise shifts this month. It’s a great period for business networking in person and getting together with your favourite peeps.

Midmonth the New Moon in Virgo occurs on Sept 15th which is the ideal time for setting goals and intentions on health, wellbeing and streamlining efficiencies in your professional life. New ideas can drop in around this time as Mercury, the lunations ruling planet is about to end his retrograde.

September 29th heralds the Full Moon in Aries. This brings up the need for balance between our own needs and those of our partners (professional and/or personal). With the Moon’s ruler Mars co-present with the South Node, you may realise it’s time to walk away from any partnerships which don’t value you having your independence.

To find out what’s in store for you click on your sign below.

And if you’d like me to show you how I work with clients 1:1 to transform their businesses + careers by fully embracing their GIFTS, book a transformation consult here =>

Wishing you an amazing month bringing your hopes and dreams to life!



Welcome to September 2023 Aries.

Ahhhhhh – love – the desire to love and be loved is in the air! All month your ruling planet Mars is tracking through Libra emphasising the importance of relationships right now Both professionally and personally. This is the ideal time to establish new partnerships and invest in those that you value the most. Given many of you have been through significant career shifts over the past year, you’ll appreciate this window to make new professional connections and find people you’re excited to collaborate with.

Equally in focus for you in September is your health and wellbeing. Both the Sun and Mercury are inviting you to have that check-up, clean up your daily habits and declutter your spaces at home and at work. It’s time to let go of what you no longer need and anything that weighs you down physically or emotionally.

With Venus ending her 40 day retrograde through your creative sector, you are invited to boldly express your ideas and have lots of fun along the way. Being playful, making time for hobbies and / or spending time with children is more important than it’s been in a long while. Make the most of this by forming new “fun” habits.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is a powerful time for you to set goals related to your health and wellbeing. Tune into what your ideal daily routine looks like. What are the “must dos” that have to happen everyday to sustain yourself. Unless you tend to your needs as a priority, you only end up resenting having to do so much for others!

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 is in your sign. This spotlights any imbalance between your needs and the needs of key partnerships in your life. If you’ve been giving too much to others OR you’ve been very self-oriented, it will be highlighted so that you can restore the ideal balance.



Welcome to September 2023 Taureans.

The month ahead has plenty of positive expansion – personally, professional and on the home front. Here’s why.

Your ruling planet, Venus will complete her 40 day retrograde through your very private family sector on September 4. Finally, you can relax with a new, firmer footing at home. Since July 22, you’ve had the opportunity to tune into what you need most at home and what makes your heart sing when it comes to that area of life. If you have children, likely there’s a lighter, more playful energy surrounding the way you’re interacting with each other too.

With Venus now moving forward, this will also reflect positively in your work. The better we feel about our home life, the more readily we attract opportunities into our professional life.

Enhancing these positive shifts is Jupiter’s journey through your sign. On September 5, Jupiter comes to a stand-still ahead of his annual retrograde. This marks the half-way point of his fortuitous visit in Taurus. As he pauses, notice new clarity about how to progress your career AND your wellbeing. Over the coming months, you have the potential to be recognised for your skills and attitude both at work and socially. Make the most of this by actively sharing your success stories with your client base. Remember, if you don’t market yourself, people can’t find you. And if you’re not talking to people, you’re not top of mind. If you need a new website or headshots, the coming months are a wonderful time to do so!

Until September 16, you’ll have the opportunity to reconsider what ignites your passion and what brings you joy with Mercury retrograde. Remember, life is a combination of work and fun. Now’s the time to remind yourself of all the things you love doing that make your heart sing. It’s time to commit to being “lighter” in life once again.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is the ideal opportunity to set goals around creative passion projects, having more fun and authentically expressing your innate talents in the world!

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 illuminates a vital need for you to consistently create moments to retreat from the world. Whether you need to recover from past emotional events, a period of intense energy output or a health scare, do what you need to recalibrate your energy levels and restore balance. Meditation and time in nature is your friend at this time.



Welcome to September Geminis!

Ahhh, don’t you just love Mercury retrograde? As your ruling planet, you have the privilege of regular periods of pausing to revise, reflect and redo. Given your natural busy nature, this can be a welcome period for you to make time to put tools down and check that you’re focusing on tasks and activities that are aligned to the vision of what you’re creating.

Mercury’s current retrograde journey through Virgo is offering you time to contemplate your home and family life. What changes do you now realise you’re ready to make? This is one of the most favourable times to declutter all your living spaces to bring a new ease and flow into your daily life. Perhaps you want to make home more of a healing space. Or maybe you’re considering working from home? Or maybe you’re reviewing if it’s time to move due to changes in family circumstances. However it looks both home and family are requiring your attention for the first half of the month.

This month, you’ll be able to realise the benefits of the effort you’ve been putting in to ensure that the work you do in the world is aligned to your heart. With Venus in Leo stationing direct on September 4 in your communication sector, you have a favourable period coming up to be seen and valued through any marketing and networking you do. So definitely prioritise scheduling social media posts, writing newsletters and meeting up with people face to face. Whichever medium you prefer to promote your offerings in the world, make sure you do it!

As a reminder, 2023 is a once in 12 year opportunity for you to realise the importance of making time to retreat from the world. Whilst this can be challenging given your naturally curious and extroverted nature, the next few months bring in support to deepen your spiritual connection. Should you choose to take up the opportunity, your intuition and wellbeing will receive an enormous boost!! Meditation, mindfulness activities and time alone in nature without distraction are the ideal elixir to counterbalance the uber busy work/life you’ve created for yourself.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is the ideal opportunity to set goals related to your home and family. An ideal window to give your home a new lease of life with some inspiring new objects as well as set intentions to have more fun playing with your tribe.

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 spotlights groups, associations and organisations you belong to. Have you got the balance right between honouring your creative side and your need to enjoy yourself versus being part of a corporation or group? If you are spending more time doing one thing over the other, this lunation will trigger emotions that have you make adjustments to rectify the situation.



Welcome to September Cancerians!

Can you feel it? A newness coming through? This month brings a number of opportunities for you.

Firstly, Venus ends her 40 day retrograde through your values, finances and personal resources sector which has given you the opportunity to adjust these areas of life to ensure they are more aligned to your heart. Perhaps you’ve discovered a newfound appreciation for the value that you bring to the world with the work you do. Or you’ve found new ways to bring in additional income? Or you’ve discovered more joyful ways to make a living. However it’s unfolded, September is a time to act on the clarity that you now hold. When you do, new opportunities will arise to support you to engage your innate abilities in the world.

The first half of the month also brings you time to focus on your marketing and networking. The Sun is illuminating Mercury which is retrograde up until September 16 in this area of your life. Use this to pause and review your promotion strategies. Is your current strategy working? Are you reaching your ideal target market? Are your systems working for you? And is your offer message clear? By making time to consider answers to these questions, you’ll be able to improve the way in which you market yourself by the end of the month and set yourself up for new business opportunities into the new year!

Groups, associations and corporations are also in sharp focus for you right now. On September 5, Jupiter stations retrograde which supports you to build your connection in groups. This is also an opportunity for you to consider the kinds of organisations you want to work with. You are an attractive asset to companies right now with your emotional intelligence and innate understanding that for all teams to thrive, they must first create a culture where sharing ideas and being heard without criticism is paramount. The world of AI is working to your advantage because workplaces, more than ever, have to be places where people want to come together because they sense they belong!

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is the ideal opportunity to set marketing and networking goals that can play a key role in advancing your career or expanding your business.

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 may bring up emotions related to your career. If you have been spending too much time with your head down working and ignoring family, you’ll realise it’s time to make some adjustments to bring things back into balance. Equally, if family or your home life has been demanding your attention and taking you away from your public work, this lunation offers you time to recalibrate.



Welcome to September Leos!

Can you feel a new spring in your step starting to emerge. The light at the end of a long-tunnel is starting to grow brighter. At the start of the month Venus ends her 40 day journey through Leo, which will add an extra pep in your step….. Yay!!!

Venus is one of the 2 benefic planets. The other is Jupiter. These 2 celestial bodies are symbols of abundance, joy and expansion. As of September 4, Venus will be travelling direct bringing renewed vigour and hope making you attractive to others. Therefore, this is a month for you to be seen in a new light. It’s a wonderful time to rebrand, relaunch your business and go out and upgrade your look. New opportunities await as Venus tracks through your sign until October 9!!!

Meanwhile, the other benefic planet, Jupiter, is bringing your career into focus. As he comes to a standstill and begins his retrograde journey, you’ll have time to look back on career decisions you’ve made in 2023. You’ll have the chance to tweak changes you’ve made so that your new rhythm and way of working is aligned to your full potential. After all, you’re results oriented so you want to be sure you’re set up for success. In some cases, you may be aware it’s time to make career changes so that the work you’re doing is aligned to your heart. If you haven’t yet landed on what that looks like, the coming months will offer you new opportunities to expand and grow.

September is also a powerful month for reviewing your finances, getting budgets in place and making sure that your salary/fees are a true reflection of the value you offer your employer/clients. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, it’s time to examine the resources you have available to help you achieve maximum efficiency. What and who do you need to surround yourself with to set up for success?

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is the ideal opportunity to set personal financial goals and review business revenue targets. With Uranus involved, there could be some innovative ideas that arise helping you bring about a shift in your finances.

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 is likely to bring up emotions related to “what the truth is” for you. It’s also a time when you’re curious to expand your knowledge and experience more adventure. However, there is a tension as you also have to navigate life’s mundane realities. What are you now learning that’s challenging your long-held belief systems? This can also be a time when you’re keen to head overseas on an adventure or focus on your studies.



Happy Birthday to all you incredible Virgo healers out there! And belated wishes to those of you born late August.

September starts off with your ruling planet, Mercury, retrograde in your sign. Up until September 16, you have a potent window to revise, redo and rethink all things related to your health and how you want to put yourself out into the world – both personally and professionally. You may be slowed down by having to place your attention on YOU. Given your innate drive to support and help others, this can be frustrating. But, it’s important you address any niggles or issues that come up right now. Give yourself complete permission to put your needs FIRST. Everyone will benefit as a result!!!

Meanwhile you are being invited to consider what it is you’re ready to learn about or adventure into next. Your mind is thirsty to expand. Whether it’s a new course of study or an overseas sojourn, you need to scratch that itch. Jupiter is inviting you to look at the world in a new way. And to teach others what you have learned. So make sure you invest time in learning and educating others – the dividends will be immensely rewarding for you.

This month Venus ends her 40 day retrograde which has been inviting you to slow down and deepen your daily mindfulness/spiritual practices. As she resumes forward motion from September 4, notice a newfound joy in spending time retreating from the world. Practices you set up for yourself now will amplify your intuitive knowing and keep those anxious thoughts in check! With such an active mind, that thrives on analysis, slowing the mind is non-negotiable for you to be able to fully realise your potential.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to set personal and professional goals for the year ahead. It’s literally a time when the focus is all about you. So make the most of this energy and write down your intentions. Seeds you plant now have enormous potential to grow beyond your wildest dreams!!

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 is likely to bring up emotions related to joint finances and investments. With the North Node and Chiron co-present with the Moon, this can bring issues to the surface to be healed and find new agreed ways forward.



Welcome to September 2023 Librans!

The start of the month brings a shift as your ruling planet Venus ends her 40 day retrograde. This has invited you to contemplate and review how you work with organisations and which social groups you wish to remain a part of. As she resumes direct motion, you’ll feel a new ease and rhythm about your work that gets your creative juices going and brings back your passion for work. You now realise the importance of aligning your work with your heart. Unless you’re loving what you’re doing, it’s not worth it.

September also brings into focus the importance of regular periods of retreat from the world. You’re innately social and enjoy being in exchange with others, but you need to make time to slow down and tune into your inner knowing. If you don’t, you may be forced to in the first half of September with Mercury retrograde in your very private 12th house.

Relationships are your thing. But, this month you’ll have the opportunity to dive into what you need in a relationship and what you need for yourself. You’re in the midst of “letting go” of old ways of being with the South Node in Libra until January 2025! You’re starting to see what no longer serves you and can make changes accordingly.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to set spiritual development goals. You can use this to reflect on what being a Conscious Leader looks like to you. And how can you live that way in your everyday life?

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 is likely to bring up emotions around relationships and key business partnerships. This is a time to figure out what’s most meaningful to you in all your primary relationships. Any issues brought to light under this lunation have the capacity to be resolved by implementing sustainable changes.



Welcome to September 2023 Scorpios.

Over the past 40 days, you’ve either chosen or been forced to reflect on your career. With Venus travelling retrograde through this aspect of your chart, you’ve been thinking about what brings you joy, what you’re passionate about and how you can show up authentically at work moving forward. September starts with Venus back in forward motion delivering a healthy dose of new opportunities for you to explore. Use your heart not your head to make the changes you’re ready to make.

The month also opens with Mercury retrograde in Virgo helping you meticulously look at the details of things. This is a powerful time to revise, rethink and explore options for organisations you’d like to work with moving forward. Research, both desktop and 1:1 catch ups, are ideal ways for you to decide the ideal environment for you to work in and who you want to collaborate with. And on a personal level, it’s a great time to explore groups or associations you’d like to join. Health and wellness – whether sporting groups or like-minded communities could well hold appeal.

With Jupiter stationing retrograde on September 5 in your relationship sector, this can bring a boost to your 1:1 connections. Whether a spouse, business partner or close friend, this can inspire you to learn more about each other resulting in a deeper shared understanding.

All month your ruling planet, Mars, is inviting you to make time retreating from the busy world. There’s a drive to achieve balance and harmony in your life. So if you feel the call to learn to meditate or practice mindfulness, be sure to listen and take action.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to dream BIG. The New Moon falls in your 11th house of anything’s possible. Therefore, be sure to set aside time to write down your professional and personal goals for the coming year ahead!

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 is likely to bring up emotions around your daily routine and health/wellbeing. Your drive to serve and be helpful in the world can pay a toll if you don’t pause to look after you. If you’ve been all work and not taking care of yourself, this lunation can literally slow you down and force rest upon you. On the other hand, if you’ve been in full on retreat mode, you’ll be ready to get back into the world and make a difference.



Welcome to September 2023 Sagittarians.

After 40 days and 40 nights of exploring your beliefs, contemplating what you’re ready to learn next and dreaming about travels abroad, September offers up clarity. More than ever, you’re tuned into what your heart wants to do and are inspired to positively impact people and the world around you. What’s not to love about that?!

However, for those of you seeking shifts around work, you’ll have to stay patient a little longer. Mercury is retrograding through your career sector until September 16 helping you identify options for new pathways forward. Whilst you’re perhaps eager to jump into new things, hold off on signing any contracts or saying yes to projects until after September 16. Otherwise, you may not have all the information you need to make a properly informed decision and can end up having to double back on work and agreements at a later stage. But if you need to sign anything, just be sure to read everything twice and ask a trusted source to do the same for you.

This month your ruling planet stations retrograde in your health and wellbeing sector. If you’ve been experiencing any health issues, this month can help shed new light on options to resolve. It’s also a great time to review your daily routine. Are you allowing enough time in your days/weeks to both work and revitalise? It’s imperative that you balance your mental load with time in nature or engaging in pleasurable activities such as the arts, food + wine and listening/watching music. Choose your sensual poison I say!

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to set Career Goals for the coming 12 months!

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 spotlights your fun, romance and enjoyment sector. Have you been getting into life and treating it like a joyful adventure? If not, now’s the time to recalibrate! Equally, if you’ve been busy creating on your own or pulling away from groups, you’ll feel a tug to reconnect professionally and socially.



Welcome to September 2023 Capricorns.

This month sheds new light on your joint finances, investments, insurances and taxes. Finally, you have the opportunity to resolve issues that you’ve been dealing with in these areas as Venus stations direct on September 4. Now that Venus is back in forward motion, she offers a boost of financial support. Whether investments divest, you receive an inheritance, a work bonus comes your way or your partner gets a pay rise, your finances are looking up. Wherever Venus is in the sky, she brings fortune, so this is also a great month to invest with positive outcomes.

Meanwhile, study and travel are under the spotlight in September. You’re likely revising, rethinking and redoing your professional development plans or contemplating an overseas trip. Don’t be in a rush to commit to anything new in these areas until Mercury stations direct on September 16. The start of the month is great for researching options. The second half of the month is the time to put your plans into action.

Whilst work is a major passion of yours, it’s important to make time in life to be playful and have fun. This month Jupiter is drilling down in your 5th house of creative expression and romance. Be sure to be out and about, you never know who you might meet who can spice up your life 🙂

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to set professional development and international travel goals for the year ahead.

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 spotlights your homelife, property and family. If you don’t have the right balance between home and work, this lunation invites you to make any changes to restore an equilibrium.



Welcome to September 2023 Aquarians.

This month the Sun and Mercury are highlighting your joint finances, investments, insurances and taxes. September kicks off with Mercury in retrograde so you’re invited to revise, redo and rethink these topics for the first half of the month. Equally, you have a wonderful invitation to explore your subconscious ways of being. A wise way to work with this transit is to book in to see a counsellor, psychologist or healer to help you understand any key behaviours that are limiting you from realising your full potential. Especially, any sabotaging ways of being that stop you from really enjoying life!!!

The good news is this month your relationships get a boost. Throughout Venus’ 40 day retrograde, you’ve had the opportunity to really sit with what you want out of partnerships. You may have realised that what you once wanted is no longer the case. Or you may have experienced some big aha about what your heart most desires after a long-time not being clear. Either way, this is a positive influence for you both personally and professionally. Use September to actively engage in meeting up with people who share your values and vision of what you want to create in the world. This is an exciting time of connection that can potentially set you up with supportive collaborations for the next 8 years.

If you’ve been looking to invest in a new home or property, this month could bring about some exciting developments. Jupiter comes to a standstill on September 5th which can deliver auspicious opportunities to your door. If you’re not in investment mode or looking to move house, Jupiter can bring a boost to your sense of home and an uplifting vibe to the family.

Lastly, with Mars’ ingress into Libra, you may feel compelled to sign up for that professional development program or a new course of study. Alternatively, you may be ready to start teaching and sharing your knowledge with others. As the year is drawing to a close, you’re thinking about how you want to set yourself up for 2024.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to set long-term investment goals AND commit to doing “the inner work” with a counsellor, psychologist and or coach!

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 spotlights your marketing/social media and communication sector. The desire to learn, acquire information and teach will be strong. Don’t be surprised if your beliefs are strongly tested at this time. What you thought to be true may be challenged.



Welcome to September 2023 Pisceans.

Since late July, your health and wellness may well have been impacted by Venus’ retrograde journey through Leo. And if it was nothing major, you’ve likely had things thrown at you which have taken you away from your regular daily routine. The wonderful news is that Venus stations direct on September 4 bringing a boost of positive energy and fresh inspiration to passionately live each day. It’s time to follow your heart’s desires. If you’ve been laden with laborious tasks that suck you of joy, you’ll have made the call, it’s time to say goodbye to living life that way!

The other area of life that gets a positive boost in September is your communication, teaching and marketing. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion and good-luck is coming to a stand-still on Sept 5th helping you break out of hiding and share your gifts with the world. This is a great month to re-activate your social media, start writing and or teach that program that’s ready to launch. Spring is here and it’s time to put yourself out there. The world needs you!!

The first half of the month puts your most valued relationships under review. Mercury is retrograde inviting you to revise, rethink and redo all things associated with partnerships and contracts. Go gently with those you value most. This can be a powerful time to discuss where your relationship is at. What’s working? What’s not? What do we want to create in the future together?

The New Moon in Virgo on September 15th is your annual opportunity to focus on what you want to create in your most valued relationships – both personally and professionally.

The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 spotlights your finances and personal resources. Emotions can be triggered as you seek to get the balance right between what you earn and what you invest. Changes may be required to your joint asset pool and investments.

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