Time to make and nurture business relationships

This week brings the official “change of season” from Winter to Spring. For those of us in the southern hemisphere the Spring Equinox takes place when the Sun changes signs from Virgo into Libra. On this date the day is as long as night …. and you can feel the heat of summer beckoning.

So how does this relate to us in Business?

Well, the Sun in Libra seeks balance, harmony, beauty and is forever conscious of the “other”. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and she symbolises our inner feminine. The part of us which seeks connection and to receive from others. The part of us which is richly fertile, creative and wants right relations and fairness.

Time to make and nurture business relationships

Over the coming 4 weeks, we can use this strong force in business to acquire and deepen relationships with our colleagues, clients, business partners, mentors and of course friends. There is a drive to hear what others have to say so it’s a great time of year to fill your diary with networking and business development meetings. And make time to catch up with old colleagues and friends, there’s bound to be valuable insights gained.

On a more specific note, this week the emotional undercurrent is one of LETTING GO as the Moon continues to wane through the final dark phase and Saturn makes a third and final connection with the South Node for the year. Therefore, this is a week perfectly set up for slowing, letting go of what you’re done with and clearing the slate for new beginnings.


I’m passionate about the power of using Astrology for Business and I love sharing what I know. Every Monday sometime between 9am – 12pm I share my insights about what’s happening with the Planets and the Moon for the week ahead and how you can use them to support you to thrive in your career.

Here is a link to this week’s video to give you an idea of what I talk about. If you’re keen to keep abreast of how to use this insight for your benefit each week, just click here to follow my fb page and get notified when I go live.

Better yet, if you leave us your name and email address below we’ll send you a link to the replay so that you have it in your inbox when you’ve got some time just for you.

Every Monday head into your work week fully aligned energetically so that you can make the most effective decisions for what you want.

Wishing you the most magical week ahead,

Much love



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